Anish Kumar Dubey
I am just a random guy doing random things
130 posts tagged with "C++"
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130. Sum of Nodes in a tree
129. Print tree level wise
128. Print all nodes at level K
127. Node with maximum child sum iteratively
126. Post-order traversal of tree
125. Node with maximum child sum recursively
124. Pre-Order traversal of tree
123. Next larger node with value just greater than n.
122. Find Max Data Node in tree
121. Find height of tree
120. Create a tree and take input and print tree recursively
119. Create a tree and take input and print tree recursively
118. Deleting a tree manually
117. Count Leaf Nodes
116. Count Number of Nodes in a tree
115. Check if a tree contains x
114. Count number of nodes greater than x
113. Check if two trees are structurally identical
112. Time complexity for Fibonacci function
111. Theoretical analysis for time taken by recursion algorithm
110. Theoretical analysis for time taken by algorithm
109. Longest Palindrome substring
108. Theoretical analysis for time complexity of merge sort algorithm
107. Comparing different time complexities
106. Experimental analysis for time taken by algorithm
105. Group anagrams
104. Longest Palindrome subsequence
103. Find indices of all occurrence of one string in other
102. Stock span
101. Stacks using linked list
100. Reverse a Stack using another stack
99. Inbuilt Stack use
98. Minimum brackets reversal
97. Check Redundant Brackets
96. Balanced Parenthesis
95. Stacks Using Arrays
94. Space complexity analysis for Fibonacci
93. Space complexity analysis for merge sort
92. Print the sum of all elements of the array recursively.
91. Analysis of space complexity for an algorithm
90. Tower of Hanoi
89. String to integer recursively
88. Length of String using recursion
87. How many possible ways the child can run up to the staircase
86. Split array
85. Return subsets sum to K recursively
84. Return subset of an array recursively
83. Return subsequences of a string
82. Return permutations String
81. Return keypad code
80. Return all codes in string
79. Remove x recursively from a string
78. Replace pi recursively in a string
77. Quick Sort a array
76. Remove duplicates recursively
75. Print the number of digits present in a number recursively.
74. Print subsets of an array recursively
73. Print subsequences of string
72. Print permutations
71. Write a program to print numbers from 1 to n in increasing order recursively
70. Print keypad combinations code
69. Print all codes in string
68. Pair star
67. Calculate nth fibonacci number.
66. Multiplication using recursion
65. Merge Sort a array
64. Maximum profit on app
63. Last Index of Number in the array.
62. Find the geometric sum
61. Write a program to find x to the power n (i.e. x^n)
60. First Index of Number in the array.
59. Find if x is present in the array or not.
58. Calculate Factorial for a given number
57. Check if given array is sorted or not recursively.
56. Does s contain t
55. Binary search recursively
54. Count number of zeros in integer
53. Check AB recursively
52. Replace character recursively
51. Sum of digits recursively
50. Check palindrome recursively
49. Queues using LinkedList
48. Queues using Arrays
47. Ciruclar queue using array
46. Inbuilt Queue use
45. Reverse a Queue
44. Understand pointers in C++ the right way
Understand all whats needed about pointers the right way.
43. Segmentation fault
Understand segmentation fault
42. Reference and Pass By reference
Understand Reference and Pass By reference
41. Pointers and functions
Understand pointers and functions
40. Pointers And Arrays
Understand Pointers And Arrays
39. Pointers Arithmetic
Understand pointers arithmetic in 10 minutes
38. Macros and Global variables
Use cases of macros and global variables
37. Inline And Default arguments
Understand Inline And Default arguments
36. Dynamic memory allocation
Understand dynamic memory allocation
35. Dynamic memory allocation for Multi-dimensional array
Dynamic memory allocation for 2-D array
34. Double pointers
Understand double pointers
33. Characters arrays and character pointers
Understand Characters arrays and character pointers
32. All indices of a number in array.
31. Constant variables
Understand constant variables
30. Address typecasting
Understand implicit and explicit typecasting
29. Static members in C++ objects
28. Shallow Copy And Deep Copy
27. Operator overloading in C++
26. Oops in C++ And constructors, destructors, copy constructor and copy assignment operator
25. Create a Dynamic Array class in C++
24. Initialisation list in C++
23. Copy Constructor
22. Constant functions in C++ objects
21. Playing with ffplay
20. Inspecting with ffprobe
19. ffmpeg filters
18. Fundamentals of media
17. Basic transcoding architecture and flow behind ffmpeg
16. ffmpeg stream selection
15. Templates in C++
14. Strings in C++
13. Find the unique element in array
12. Triplet sum
11. Search an element in a sorted and rotated Array
10. Rotate array
9. Pair sum in array
8. Check Array rotation
7. Find duplicate element in array
6. Inbuilt vector
5. Find array intersection
4. Next Number
3. Double Ended Queue
2. Delete alternate nodes in a LinkedList
1. Merge K sorted Linked List