« Pointers And Arrays

Understand Pointers And Arrays

Understand similarities between pointers and arrays

1int arr[10];
2cout << "arr: " << arr << endl;
3cout << "&arr[0]: " << &arr[0] << endl;

This will create 40 bytes storage for array. a is basically name for this 40 bytes. In symbol table there will be a entry of a = starting address of this 40 bytes which is same as address of arr[0] i.e. &arr[0]. So arr can be treated almost exactly like a pointer.


1cout << "*arr: " << (*arr) << endl;
2arr[0] = 5;
3arr[1] = 10;
4cout << "*arr: " << (*arr) << endl;
5cout << "*(arr+1): " << (*(arr + 1)) << endl;
6cout << "1[arr]: " << 1 [arr] << endl;

So, arr[i] and *(arr+i) are same. i[arr] and *(i+arr) are also same. So arr[i] and *(arr+i) and i[arr] are all same

Understand dissimilarities between pointers and arrays

1cout << "sizeof(arr): " << sizeof(arr) << endl;
2cout << "arr: " << arr << endl;
3cout << "&arr: " << &arr << endl;

Although arr can be treated as pointer but there are couple of differences. sizeof(arr) = 40 as in symbol table its mentioned that it is a array of size 10. But sizeof(pointer) = 8. All these difference is because, for pointers another 8 byte memory is created for it and saved to the symbol table, but for arrays no extra storage is created. In symbol table arr = address of array is stored.

arr and &arr prints same but pointer and &pointers prints different. Reason: for storing pointers another storage is created but not for arrays(arrays are just entered in the symbol table).


1//arr = arr + 3; //this will give error

Array can not be reassigned. Something entered in a symbol table cannot be changed.

1int *ptr = arr;
2cout << "ptr " << ptr << endl;

You can't do array = pointer but you can do pointer = array

Final Code

1#include <iostream>
2#include <iomanip>
3#include <algorithm>
4#include <string>
5#include <cstring>
6#include <vector>
7#include <cmath>
8#include <map>
9#include <climits>
10// climits for INT_MIN
11#include <unordered_map>
12using namespace std;
13int main()
15 int arr[10];
16 /*
17 This will create 40 bytes storage for array
18 _________________________________________________________
19 |________________________________________________________|
21 a is basically name for this 40 bytes
22 in symbol table there will be a entry of a = starting address of this 40 bytes which is same as address of arr[0] i.e. &arr[0]
23 */
25 cout << "arr: " << arr << endl;
26 cout << "&arr[0]: " << &arr[0] << endl;
27 // So arr can be treated almost exactly like pointer
29 cout << "*arr: " << (*arr) << endl;
30 arr[0] = 5;
31 arr[1] = 10;
32 cout << "*arr: " << (*arr) << endl;
33 cout << "*(arr+1): " << (*(arr + 1)) << endl;
35 cout << "1[arr]: " << 1 [arr] << endl;
37 cout << "sizeof(arr): " << sizeof(arr) << endl;
38 cout << "arr: " << arr << endl;
39 cout << "&arr: " << &arr << endl;
41 // arr = arr + 3; array can not be reassigned.
43 int *ptr = arr;
44 cout << "ptr " << ptr << endl;
45 // You can't do array = pointer but you can do pointer = array
47 return 0;