« Static members in C++ objects

Static members in C++

Some properties belong to class rather than to each object. We mark them as static. Static members belongs at common place for all the objects.

Access static members

1cout << Student::totalStudents << endl;

Scope resolution operator


Initialising static members

As static property belongs to class we need to initialize outside of the class. Static members can only be initialized outside the class

1int Student ::totalStudents = -2;

Compiler allows to access static members through static members but its not logically correct

1cout << s1.totalStudents << endl;

Changing value of the static members from any place affects at all the places

1s1.totalStudents = 5;
2Student s2;
3cout << s2.totalStudents << endl;
4cout << s1.totalStudents << endl;
5cout << Student::totalStudents << endl;

Change the value of the static members from constructor

3 totalStudents++;
1Student s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6;
2cout << Student::totalStudents << endl;

totalStudents value will come out to be 6

We can mark functions as static same as properties

static functions also belongs to class rather than objects

1static int getTotalStudents() { return totalStudents; }

Static functions can only access static members of the class

Static functions don't have access this keyword or this pointer

1static int getTotalStudents() { return totalStudents; }

For full class code to try out the code yourself:
