« Delete alternate nodes in a LinkedList

Delete Alternate Nodes

Given a Singly Linked List of integers, delete all the alternate nodes in the list.


List: 10 -> 20 -> 30 -> 40 -> 50 -> 60 -> null

Alternate nodes will be: 20, 40, and 60.

Hence after deleting, the list will be:

Output: 10 -> 30 -> 50 -> null

Note :

The head of the list will remain the same.

Input format :

The first and the only line of input will contain the elements of the Singly Linked List separated by a single space and terminated by -1.

Output Format :

The only line of output will contain the updated list elements.

Input Constraints:

1 <= N <= 10 ^ 6.

Where N is the size of the Singly Linked List

Time Limit: 1 sec

Sample Input 1:

1 2 3 4 5 -1

Sample Output 1:

1 3 5

Explanation of Sample Input 1:

2, 4 are alternate nodes so we need to delete them

Sample Input 2:

10 20 30 40 50 60 70 -1

Sample Output 2:

10 30 50 70

1#include <iostream>
2using namespace std;
4class Node {
6 int data;
7 Node * next;
8 Node(int data){
9 this -> data = data;
10 this -> next = NULL;
11 }
13 ~Node() {
14 if(next) {
15 delete next;
16 }
17 }
20void deleteAlternateNodes(Node *head) {
21 Node *temp = head;
22 while(temp != NULL && temp->next != NULL){
23 Node *next = temp->next->next;
24 temp->next = next;
25 temp = temp->next;
26 }
29Node* takeinput() {
30 int data;
31 cin >> data;
32 Node *head = NULL, *tail = NULL;
33 while(data != -1){
34 Node *newNode = new Node(data);
35 if(head == NULL) {
36 head = newNode;
37 tail = newNode;
38 }
39 else{
40 tail -> next = newNode;
41 tail = newNode;
42 }
43 cin >> data;
44 }
45 return head;
48void print(Node *head) {
49 Node *temp = head;
50 while(temp != NULL) {
51 cout << temp -> data << " ";
52 temp = temp -> next;
53 }
54 cout << endl;
57int main() {
58 Node *head = takeinput();
59 deleteAlternateNodes(head);
60 print(head);
61 delete head;
62 return 0;