« Type Conversions

1char ch = 'a';
2int i = ch;
3//ch = i; //error

int i = ch is implicit typecasting.

ch = i Error: incompatible types: possible lossy conversion from int to char.


1// ch = ch + 1; //error

ch + 1 here value will be a integer as 1 is integer and ch is char so result will be of bigger type which is int. So we are trying to store a int in char so it will be error as int being of bigger size can't be implicitly stored in char.

1// float f = 1.7; //error
2float f = (float) 1.7;

All decimal numbers we write are by default double. Error: incompatible types: possible lossy conversion from double to float


1short s = 17;
2int k = s;
3//s = k; //error

Error: incompatible types: possible lossy conversion from int to short

1System.out.println(4 + 4);
2System.out.println(4 + 4.5);
3System.out.println(4.3 + 4.5);
  • If you add int and int answer will be a int.
  • If you add int and double answer will be a double.
  • If you add double and double answer will be a double.
  • So in arithmetic operations datatype of the bigger size will be the resultant datatype.